Chapter 3 – Life, in pictures
My plan was to place an archive photograph of Michael Pearson at the opening of each chapter, drawn as far as possible from the same period which that chapter covered. The image of Michael and Burne House which appears on the introductory page to this section would have been one, for chapter 6 of course; here are the rest, in order, beginning with chapter 3. I never did find one for chapter 8, although that which opens the published book does nicely...

Charles E. Pearson, Michael's father, and partner George Lovell
Michael Pearson pictured at NASA’s Manned Spacecraft Center, Houston, in December 1967. He also visited the launch centre at Cape Kennedy, Florida. The Apollo V unmanned test flight, the first to carry the lunar module, took place successfully on 22 January 1968, just four weeks after Michael's visit (NASA)
Michael with his father and mother
Michael in his practice in London